Thursday, October 29, 2009

Foodie Photos

So here are some fun previews from the photo collection--shot over the last 3-4 weeks at various homes and restaurants in the Boston area. Check out the homepage for recipes, techniques, and tips for great holiday and year-long classics! Oh, and for the photos too...
Lolo's Wild Rice recipe, WITH BACON. When this recipe hits, you'll love Bacon even more. I promise. Tess made this for us and we cleaned the plate.

This was on today's shoot: homemade vanilla infused vodka. We watched each step for making your own super fancy vodka in beautiful mason jars--makes some great gift ideas. The house was amazing too!

My first shoot! These are Chinese Tea Eggs, hard-boiled and soaked in tea and soy sauce. It gives the most BEAUTIFUL marbled look on the eggs, as well as the shells.

Feeling fancy? This dish was from Charles Street, a tea and brined duck with fruity garnishes. It smelled amazing, looked delicious, and the restaurant itself was wonderful.

Also from today's shoot, and one of my new favorite photos. This is also a homemade vodka, but made with espresso (takes considerably less time than the other infusions).

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Caramelized Onion Souffle

So I've got this internship as a photographer for a food blog called, in case you didn't know. The perks? Amazing.

One of my first shoots was at 'The Beehive' down on Tremont Street in the South End, where we filmed/shot a dish called "Caramelized Onion Souffle" and for the first time I loved onions.

This is my attempt to recreate the dish.
Didn't have a camera at home (for once) so we used Aaron's iPhone--sorry for the blur. It adds to the motion!
We used a 13" x 13" metal baking pan, although the recipe suggested a smaller one with a lip--I had no smaller pan with a lip, but this turned out fine.
I didn't end up taking a final shot--sorry. THE DISH WAS AMAZING. I made a few small alterations to the recipe, mostly because I am a cheddar nut, so I used straight up cabbot extra sharp instead of the suggested parm and swiss. I highly recommend the dish for the holidays and for people who would like something easy, satisfying, and delicious!

For more recipes like the one I used, check out!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

New Spin

I forgot about this. This is a skinny poster design for a Halloween party my house is having, partially sponsored by The Barmaid. I wanted to have some fun decorations up, but also see if the event sparked any friends to want to buy one of their own. This is my solution.

Halloween and Tropical

Some new packaging for Lime Tree Cove, featuring a Halloween Special (Orange Sugar and Black Lava Salt). This is also a proposed Barmaid image wrap, which we are in the process of trying to figure out a method to make "skins" or personalized patterns/images to decorate the Barmaids.

Other fun fall items for Lime Tree Cove involve some new drink recipes, including the "Hallowtini" and an "Indian Summer" Rum drink that we all went a little crazy for. I am also designing some fun fall gift buckets, with the new Halloween flavor, as well as the "Cinnamon Harvest" flavor, which we are going to try out with some mulled hot apple cider this weekend.

This is a new packaging designed for a Parrotheads event coming up called "Meeting of the Minds". The flavor, a lime coconut, was just begging for a cute, tropical name:

In other news, if you are interested in purchasing a Barmaid product or flavor, go to and upon checkout, mention that you are a "friend of Zoe" for a super special discount!

Friday, October 9, 2009

New LTC Packaging Label Designs

Some works in progress--Lime Tree Cove Barmaid packaging wrap ideas. I'm pushing for a clean box and lid (preferably green, brown, or white) with a paper wrap sleeve for the label, to keep the whole thing simple. Here are some of my current musings on the subject:

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stuff! Some Photos

Hey look! Whales and some slightly unattractive photos of me and mom! Haha, that's what I get for being completely sunburned and windswept while trying to take a profile pic.

I HOPE YOU ARE HAPPY MOM. The good whale photos are to come--we got them BREACHING!!!

Twig is officially OVER! I am drinking to my freedom! What's next? Lime Tree Cove, freelancing, and How2Heroes blog photography! Life is good!

Friday, October 2, 2009

General Update

So just some news on the personal/job/art front:

1. I gave my two weeks notice at Twig one week ago
2. I got accepted for a paid photography internship one day ago (for when Twig is finished)
3. I'm working on new packaging and membership cards for Lime Tree Cove
4. I'm looking for small freelance gigs to pay for my new tiny point and shoot camera
5. I'm getting the inherited sewing machine fixed
6. I'm working on some correspondence card designs for Fox & Hare with Bronwyn Lewis
7. I just saw Zombieland at the most amazing little movie theater in Davis Square. Really you should go and see it, preferably with a rowdy crowd and a beer in hand. Hilarious but hella gory.

That's all for now.