Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Boston Events: PAX East Recap

Here's a little montage of some of the noteworthy sights from PAX East (from the opinion of a part-time nerd). General overview? It was fun! It was exhausting, there was not nearly enough water or volume control, but there were some pretty exciting games and displays that I'll go through...

Top Row, Left to Right:
Dante's Inferno, Skate 3 and Turbine Games showing off with the larger display booths--Dante's Inferno, definitely beautiful, but more annoying than anything else was the plot and some of the general controls (also, it was X Box and I'm a PS3 user, no fun). Skate 3 we just watched, while waiting in line for Red Dead Redemption (1 hour wait)--it was entertaining to watch people wipe out, seeing as the game highlights which bones you break when you fall, so its kind of like those smash and crash racing games... Oh and Turbine has a Lord of the Rings MMO, which is pretty, straightforward, and surprisingly easy to get the hang of.

Middle Row, Left to Right:
Display from Dante's Inferno booth, massive wall display for Red Read Redemption, Power Gig: Rise of the Six String van. Well to jump right to Red Dead, it was pretty damn cool, I have to say, one of the most interesting things to take away from PAX East. At first glance, its Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto with Clint Eastwood, but the game is obviously much more considered than that, starting with REAL HORSE MOTION CAPTURE (its about time a game used it, and boy does this game do it well). Its pretty, its fun, we'll be buying it May 18th. Also! Power Gig was there with their super awesome retro band van giving away shirts, stickers, and good fun. Chad was already wearing his shirt (he works for them after all), but I got a cool night shirt out of the deal. Awesome van, love the marketing idea that went into it!

Bottom Row, Left to Right:
Looked to be some sort of new Dance Dance Revolution for the Nintendo Wii, but requires FULL dance movement, including hands and rhythm. This was hanging out with the new Prince of Persia game (very pretty) and after watching the fun dancing we stopped for a breather at the Penny Arcade Panel on drawing their comics. Loved it, always nice to watch another artist work, especially guys as good-natured as these who have had a surprisingly major impact on their readers. Always have been a fan, will continue to be for some time yet.

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