Trying to get back into the swing of posting--my job has been taking up a lot of creative (and physical) energy and that makes it tough to generate some cool personal stuff to show. Also, no real desk space for my just yet, as unpacking is in its final stages, but slowed to a crawl.
Something fun and kinda DIY though! Found a nice "celery" color that matches the bedroom so I sprayed an old Ikea floating "lack" shelf and mason jar while I was at it. Makes a really cute vase.

Also just came back from a long weekend on Nantucket, full of cool new ideas for patterns and textures with hints of old-timey nautical themes. Here are just some cool colors and textures from the island.

Old typewriter too!

So yes, hopefully more soon! I have some nautical + lighting inspired inks that I'll scan soon, plus some whaling inspired illustrations. Awesome.